
June 20 – 23, 2022, Braga

ETPN2022, the 17th annual event of European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine (ETPN) is organized in collaboration with INL in Portugal.

Let’s finally bring the European Nanomedicine family back together again!

About ETPN2022

ETPN2022 is a unique in-person conference bringing together scientists, technology providers, entrepreneurs, industry and clinicians, all of them developing great medical applications of Nanotechnologies and emerging MedTech.

Join us and participate to strategic discussions about the future of Nanomedicine & sessions about translation to clinic of nanomedical products.

ETPN2022, is co-organized this year again with INL, the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, back to back with the INL Summit, after the great prior success of the NME19 conference.

ETPN2022 Sponsors

Dear ETPN members, dear colleagues from the European Nanomedicine, community,

the ETPN returns to INL in Braga for its first in-person event since 2019! ETPN2022, which will be organized back-to-back with the INL Summit, promises to be a great conference. We will organize an excellent line-up of speakers and poster presenters. But not only that. The ETPN meeting is also the place where new European projects are born, through our brokerage sessions (the official way) and through the fun-filled social program served with Iberian hospitality. I hope to see you all in Braga!

Raymond Schiffelers

Chairman, ETPN

A Warm Welcome to ETPN!

Dear ETPN delegates, colleges and friends, from all of us INLers, to all of you, a warm welcome back to INL for another annual event. The warm and positive memories from the previous successful annual ETPN event held at INL is a good foundation and we are now looking forward to this years event. This time organized back to back with our annual lighthouse event, the INL Summit transitions that all of you are also very welcome to participate in and enjoy. We are in particular delighted for our joint sessions that we are sure will mutually enhance both events and be very beneficial for all of us.

We are looking forward to meet you all again, engage in discussions, listen to insights and enjoy being close again, sharing joyful moments.

Safe travels – and see you soon!

Lars Montelius

Director General, INL

Share your success story

The ETPN2022 program will leave room for networking to optimize your participation to the event: find new partners for R&D and end-users of your technologies, build your next successful Horizon Europe, IHI or EuroNanoMed consortium, pitch your SME or inventions, meet all stakeholders from Research to Industry!

Selected talks, pitch me up sessions, showcase of innovative projects, updates on European projects will give you many opportunities of sharing your success stories.  Efficient matchmaking tools will optimize networking all throughout the event; Find new partners for R&D and end-users of your technologies, build your next successful Horizon Europe consortium, pitch your SME, meet all stakeholders from Research to Industry!

Boost your innovation!

ETPN2022 is a young scientists & entrepreneurs friendly event! Education sessions on both research and product development will give you access to the latest trends in Nanomedicine and emerging medical technologies. Strategic advice from the HealthTech Translation Advisory Board (TAB) experts will also be provided at ETPN2022. The TAB is a mentoring service providing you with holistic and milestone-driven support by industry experts, boosting your innovation in Nanomedicine.

Product demos & Poster exhibition

An exhibition hall within the lunch and break area of ETPN2022 venue will allow you to exhibit your company, products and/or European Projects. Poster exhibition will also be organized in the same area to optimize interactions between participants! Will you win the Best Poster Award?

Featured Talks & Speakers

NME21 has invited inspiring keynote speakers coming from both academic and industry background. Register & meet the leaders who are shaping the future of Nanomedicine & Advanced Technoologies for healthcare!

June 22, 2022 — 9:00 AM

Dave Carter

Research Director in Exosome Engineering at Evox Therapeutics Ltd

Leveraging the versatility and therapeutic potential of extracellular vesicles to treat disease

June 23, 2022 — 9:00 AM

Elena Martínez

Group Leader at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC)

“Development of biomimetic models of intestinal tissue: guiding cellular self-organization through biofabrication techniques”

About INL!

Pricing &  Registration

Our Sponsors

Registration will begin in a few days!

Thanks a lot for your patience and please stay tuned!

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