INL Summit

ETPN2022 is organized back to back with the great INL summit 2022!
Check the website

The international conference INL Summit 2022 will be held on June 20-21 at INL – Braga, Portugal.

This year’s edition will focus on /Transitions: Nanotechnology has contributed significantly to major scientific and technological advances which have transformed the World. From early disease diagnostic devices, new materials for sustainable solutions to disruptive computation, Nanotechnology is today one of the major agents for /Transitions in our society.

The INL Summit 2022 will bring together researchers, policy-makers, industry partners and venture capital investors in a full programme with invited talks, insightful roundtables, and networking opportunities focused on:

  • Disrupting computation
  • Transitioning to the 2030 Digital Society
  • Transitions in Infrastructures of Tomorrow
  • The Transition to an Economy for One Earth
  • Disruptive Foods for a Sustainable Tomorrow
  • Making Europe the Best Place for Healthcare Innovation