Present your work at ETPN2022

A unique opportunity to make the European Nanomedicine Community discover your innovative projects!

Abstract submission is open until...








The ETPN2022 program includes an opportunity to present your innovative projects in translation to market (>TRL4) during the short selected talks of the “Pitch me up!” session.

Also, posters are very welcome for all Nanomedicine R&D projects.


Abstract guidelines

To facilitate the submission process and the subsequent follow up procedures, please consider the following information:


  • Posters: all R&D projects in Nanomedicine R&D are welcome, from TRL0
  • Short talks of the “Pitch me up!” session: only are eligible Nanomedicine research projects currently in translation to the clinic (>TRL 4-5), startups and spin-off companies, SMEs, et


  • Your abstract should be submitted in English.
  • It should be limited to 2500 characters, including spaces. 
  • For posters:  please print it in A0 format (width: 841 mm x Height: 1189 mm).

Process, deadline & decision

  • EXTENDED DEADLINE! Please submit your abstract online until May 12, 2022.
  • Each participant may submit 2 abstracts for short talks + 2 abstracts for posters maximum.
  • After submission, you will be acknowledged through the contact email given after the decision of the ETPN2022 Committee.

Abstract template

In order to prepare your abstract, you may use our template accessible by clicking here.

Please note that the final submission of your abstracts is to be made ONLY through the online platform accessible below.

Ready to submit your abstract for ETPN2022?